Prosperity School - Dist. No. 30 - West Plains Township

Prosperity School - District No. 30 - West Plains Township

District 30 was organized August 21, 1886, and wasn't disorganized until 1946, when it became a part of Jt.74 and eventually part of Dist. 483 (Meade-Seward) in 1965.

Our notes show that Prosperity started out in a sod house, but soon a nice big schoolhouse was built on the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 9, T32-R24.

According to the Meade Globe News, when the district was disorganized in 1946, the building was purchased by the Plains School Board to be moved to Plains for rental to a teacher's family. We do not know if this happened or where the house was located in Plains.

Teachers of Crooked Creek School

Wysong, D. P. - 1891 - 1893

Peterson, Susie - 1893 - 1894

Graves, Tillie - 1895 - 1896

LaRue, Etta - 1904 - 1905

Walter, Nettie - 1905 - 1906

Geisinger, Laura - 1911 - 1912

Lawson, J.S. - 1913 - 1914

Cragg, Raydie - 1914 - 1915

Kinison, Eliza - 1914 - 1915

Bradley, Verdy - 1915 - 1916

Weaver, Raydie - 1915 - 1916

Murphy, Esther - 1916 - 1917

Plumb, Esther A. - 1917 - 1918

Wilson, Beatrice - 1918 - 1919

Ross, Neva M. - 1919 - 1920

Graves, Ferne - 1920 - 1921

Thornsbury, Gertrude - 1921 - 1922

Reynolds, Bernice - 1922 - 1923

Hayden, Edna - 1923 - 1924

Martins, Bernard - 1923 - 1924

Berghaus, Abbie - 1924 - 1925

Nickel, Esther - 1924 - 1927

Bromwell, Besse - 1927 - 1928

Demmitt, Avis - 1928 - 1934

York, Ellen - 1931 - 1932

Welk, E Justina - 1934 - 1939

Innis, Joanna - 1940 - 1941

Weaver, Raydie - 1941 - 1946

Surnames of students at Prosperity school:

Anderson, Bergen, Berghaus, Black, Bromwell, Burnett, Cullers, Dalgran, Demmitt, Downing, Gates, Golliher, Hale, Hall, Henderson, Herring, Hickey, Hinman, Hockett, Huckleberry, Kerns, LaRue, Lewis, Odgers, Odell, Ramsey, Richardson, Roberts, Shelman, Strohl, Vincent, Welk, and Wilson. Our records start in 1916... some of the earlier names could have been Boyer, Frame, Kenny, Peterson, Stringer, Summers, and Wyatt.

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