Crooked Creek & Fowler Townships - Dist. No. 24

Crooked Creek & Fowler Townships - District No. 24

This school was established in 1885, two miles north of the town of Pearlette. It was said to have been disorganized in 1899, but we have a teacher listed in 1904. It eventually became part of District #37, but disappeared early on in Meade County history.

The schoolhouse was on J.C. Clark land. This school may have been a sod house.

Teachers of Crooked Creek School

Burford, Louella - 1886
Peterson - 1892
Padgett, Cordy - 1892
Taylor, Laura - 1893
Martin, Kate - 1893

Surnames of officers at Crooked Creek school:

Clark, Vick, Strader and Jobling.

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