Standing on the corner of North Fowler and Carthage, the Lakeway Hotel has become a landmark to the people of Meade. It has been a meeting place for many an organization, a stop-over for many a weary traveler, and the hub of a thriving small town.
If walls could talk, the "Amber Room" might tell of banquets, school dances and endless' parades of glee clubs and clarinet trios entertaining endless parades of dinner guests. The rest of the basement might tell of smoky snooker games, and wide-eyed little boys drinking nickel pop, or the senior citizens with their dominos and cards. The Lobby would have stories of people coming and going and the "bus stop" it was for many years; of children leaving and soldiers coming home. The coffee shop would recall years of waitress laughter, the gossip, the "deals" that were made and the many stories that were told over "coffee." If walls could talk, the Lakeway could certainly tell an interesting history of our town.
With stock purchased by local people, the Lakeway Hotel Corporation was formed about 1926. The corporation was not able to sell enough stock to fully pay for the construction so the deficiency was borrowed and the lots were acquired from S.D. and Belle Adams. The Adams had operated the National Hotel for many years. This property on the corner of Carthage & Fowler streets was chosen for the new hotel.
The present Lakeway building was constructed in 1929, by Riggs Construction after the old National Hotel was torn down. The new hotel was operated by S.D. and Belle Adams and the coffee shop was operated by their daughter, Alice. The hotel operated very well the first few years until the depression began to take its toll. The loan company finally foreclosed and took possession of the hotel. The Adams' continued to run the hotel for the loan association until Mr. Adams died in 1934, after which Mrs. Adams ran it for about a year until it was leased by a couple from Liberal, Mr. & Mrs. J.G. Dameron.
The Chamber of Commerce operated the hotel under a lease from the loan company for a short while. It was also leased to Zeke Powell, G.X. Snodgrass, A.R. Smith and perhaps others during the ownership by the loan association. Finally in 1945, it was purchased by Willard and Doris Post; they operated both the hotel and coffee shop for several years.
The next owners were Ed Brumfield and Clarence B. Mendenhall. They purchased it in 1956, and subsequently sold a part of it to Hilton Prather. Prather acquired full ownership and in turn sold the hotel to the Lakeway Motor Inn, Inc., a corporation of 10 men. While the corporation owned the hotel it was managed by Henry F. Loewen. During this time many of the second floor rooms where turned into apartments... what had been fifty rooms became thirteen apartments and nine rental rooms.
Ron and Sally Chambers took over the operation of Lakeway in January,1982. The name was once again changed to simply "Lakeway Inn." The Chambers turned it back to the corporation in December, 1983. After trying to sell the hotel for almost a year, the corporation decided to sell it by public auction.
The auction was held October 12, 1984, and the hotel was purchased at that time by Russell and Rose Brown for $51,000.00. Under this ownership the hotel became the "Lakeway Lodge," and the Browns operated it for eleven years, sometimes leasing the restaurant to other people... sometime running it themselves. They suddenly decided to leave Meade and in February of 1995, they sold the hotel to a man by the name of Ken Johnson.
Mr. Johnson must have passed away as the hotel was next sold by Peggy Johnson to Rodney and Eva Earnst in August of 1997. The Earnsts put a Daylight Donut shop in the north room of the restaurant and ran the hotel for a couple of years until selling it to Darrell and Toni Wiens in 1999. The Wiens' remodeled the hotel extensively during their tenure and ran it as the "Lakeway Bed & Breakfast," but lost it to the Meade State Bank in March of 2004.
The property was sold by the bank to a California couple, J.R. & Robin Knight, in September of 2004. The Knights ran the hotel and restaurant for awhile before moving back to California, and as of this writing the old Lakeway is sitting empty on the corner of Highway 54 and 23... sold, we understand, to a national convenience store chain... destined to be torn down... but still serving the weary traveler on the corner of Carthage and Fowler streets in Meade.
The following articles gleaned from Meade newspapers tell the story of how the Lakeway Hotel first came to be.... this was big news in Meade... the state lake was in development at this time and all the movers and shakers could envision what prosperity tourism was going to bring to our small town.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - October 27, 1927
For many moons a new hotel for Meade has been discussed. Several times in the past year it looked a though a new hotel would be built, but each time it fell through. Now the prospects are much brighter.
Tuesday night about twenty men met and went over a proposition for a building that would be a credit to places much larger than Meade. Tentative plans had been made in the rough, but when it is finally decided that the proposition will go over, an architect will be put on the job to work out the details. However enough is known that the figures are correct.
It is proposed to expend in the neighborhood of $60,000, which includes site, building and furnishings. The hotel part will have thirty-five rooms, dining and coffee room, kitchen. There will be a business room in the front and two business rooms at the rear.
The site practically settled on, will be the one occupied by the National Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Adams made the businessmen a proposition which is considered fair. The second story will go to the alley, but the third floor will contain only nine rooms. However, the building is planned to allow for the remainder of the story to be built at any time business demands it.
Among the men present at the meeting, $14,000 was subscribed. A committee composed of C.C. Wilson, John W. Wood, Dr. J.A. Gilman, Willis Wolfe, Dr. W.F. Fee, and J.E. Braden, was appointed to interview prospective purchasers of stock.
The temporary organization is L. Boehler, chairman and A.R. Wilson, secretary. When it is known that enough stock will be taken, a meeting will be called for a permanent organization. A meeting will be held Friday night to hear the report of the special committee.
The business men who are doing the preliminary work, have made careful investigations of other hotel properties and are content that the proposition is a good paying investment. At present Meade does not have adequate hotel accommodations and that many traveling men are passing the city because of the accommodations. When the state lake project is completed, more accommodations will be needed.
It has been rumored that some outsider had his eye on Meade with a stock proposition and, if such a deal would go through, the hotel that Meade would get would be a selling proposition and not what Meade should have. All the money that you subscribe on this proposition goes into the property and none out for commissions. It is a proposition that should appeal to the civic pride of everyone in Meade.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - November 3, 1927
Those interested in the new hotel project for Meade, report splendid success in raising the money from local people. There is a liberal response to the committee.
The hotel is not a civic proposition by all means. It is a real investment. The plan has been worked out on a very conservative basis. The only place civic pride comes is in that persons with money to invest have an opportunity to put their money into a project which they can watch and which they can be assured will return them good interest on their money.
Many thousands of dollars have been sent away from Meade to help build up some other community and many times, it was only a wildcat scheme to get money on a wobbly proposition. The hotel proposition is a sound investment. Sound in the present circumstances and when the state park begins to receive out-of-town visitors, the present and contemplated hotel accommodation will not suffice.
The basis the business men estimate are on a fifty per cent plan which will pay a good rate of interest. Most of the hotels in towns the size of Meade are running from 65 to 75 percent. Everything has been figured on the same conservative basis. It is purely a home investment and one well worth your investigation.
The property will cost approximately $60,000 and almost two-thirds of this amount has been subscribed and the committee have a number yet to see. The best way to make Meade win is for Meade people to back Meade, and in this proposition you are making a paying investment.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - November 3, 1927
Those interested in the new hotel project for Meade, report splendid success in raising the money from local people. There is a liberal response to the committee.
The hotel is not a civic proposition by all means. It is a real investment. The plan has been worked out on a very conservative basis. The only place civic pride comes is in that persons with money to invest have an opportunity to put their money into a project which they can watch and which they can be assured will return them good interest on their money.
Many thousands of dollars have been sent away from Meade to help build up some other community and many times, it was only a wildcat scheme to get money on a wobbly proposition. The hotel proposition is a sound investment. Sound in the present circumstances and when the state park begins to receive out-of-town visitors, the present and contemplated hotel accommodation will not suffice.
The basis the business men estimate are on a fifty per cent plan which will pay a good rate of interest. Most of the hotels in towns the size of Meade are running from 65 to 75 percent. Everything has been figured on the same conservative basis. It is purely a home investment and one well worth your investigation.
The property will cost approximately $60,000 and almost two-thirds of this amount has been subscribed and the committee have a number yet to see. The best way to make Meade win is for Meade people to back Meade, and in this proposition you are making a paying investment.
MEADE GLOBE NEWS - April 5, 1928
While there will be a tinge of sorrow to the old timer when he sees the National Hotel being razed, yet it will gladden his heart to know that in its place will be a $100,000 fire proof hotel, modern throughout, take its place.
Many the deals that have taken place in the old hostelry in the cattle days and county seat wars in Western Kansas in what was then a fine hotel for Western Kansas.
For several months, Mr. and Mrs. Adams have not conducted the place for transients and next week will move from the building so that it can be razed and the new building started.
Monday night, a group of Meade businessmen and farmers nearby, completed their arrangements for finishing the project. When the new hotel was first talked about, it was thought that a $60,000 building including site, building and furnishings, would be sufficient but as the men have carefully investigated other hotel properties in this part of the state and with the increasing importance of the Southwest, and especially the Meade State Lake in Meade county, has convinced them that a larger building and a fire proof building, would be a paying investment and be more in line with the needs of Meade.
Directors elected Monday night are: C.C. Wilson, Roy Twist, L.T. Gum, A.F. Wilson, and E.E. Innis. The directors in turn organized by electing C.C. Wilson, Pres., Roy Twist, Vice-pres., E.E. Innis, Secretary-Treasurer. Incorporation papers will be taken out at once.
The officers stated that the work of razing the building will start next week and that it will require six months to complete the building. R.A. Rexroad, who is building the dam at the state park, will bring his big ditch digging machine to Meade and do the excavating.
The building and site will cost close to $80,000 and the furnishings $20,000. There will be $60,000 in stock sold, and more than three-fourths of it is taken at present. There is still some available. A loan will be floated on the remainder.
Various plans have been discussed and a plan frequently used in the large cities was finally adopted. However, it was made over to fit the local conditions and so the local men could control the property, rentals and management.
The building will be full three stories and will have fifty-eight guest rooms, 29 on each floor. Thirteen rooms on each floor will have baths, but all rooms will have lavatories with running water.
The building proper will be 50x140, with a small part taken off the west side for ventilation and access to the alley from that side. The corner room will be a merchandise room with basement accessible. This room will be 32x50. Directly back of it will be a room for barber shop, beauty shop and sample room.
The lobby will face to the east and will have a place 40x40 with lounge room, business office and fireplace. The coffee and dining room will be 34x43 with place out for the kitchen. The kitchen is so arranged as to serve the dining room and the basement room which is being arranged for public gatherings such as the Commercial Club, meeting of businessmen and other public meetings where meals will be served. On the northwest corner there will be a 20x28 office room. The basement will be under most of the building and will be arranged that the store place above will have storage there. A large laundry room is also provided.
Fred Hopper, architect for the school building and court house, has worked out the plans and as Louis Riggs, who built the above buildings, has worked with the committee and devised plans whereby the building can be built at the minimum cost, will probably be the man who will build it.
The directors of the hotel company decided to offer $15 in gold to the Meade county person who will suggest the most appropriate name for the new hotel. More particulars will be given at a later date.
The spirit of the men who are behind the hotel has been prompted by the spirit and needs of the community. It is a local company of stockholders who have seen the ups and downs of Western Kansas and who have faith in Meade. Local money will build it. Income has been worked to such a nicety that it is a sound investment. In fact, income has been figured low that the proposition would be a safe investment and one that people could feel secure in buying stock.
It has taken a long time to work out the details and to interest enough local capital and the men who have been persistently at the work are deserving of credit from the county as well as the city.
Barns Bros., cleaners, who own the lot just west of the hotel property, will have a front designed and have it put up at the same time the hotel building is erected. It will be one story, There is also talk of another building on that street and in all probability it will materialize.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - April 19, 1928
Early Monday morning Louis Riggs had some sand dumped near the National hotel and the first question asked of him was: "Why the sand?" All of the trees about the building have been wrapped to prevent them from being injured while the erection of the new hotel is being carried out. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are disposing of their furniture this week and expect to be out of the building by next Saturday. They have been there for 26 years and the accumulation of 26 years in a hotel is considerable.
Monday, Mr. Riggs will begin razing the building and in one week's time the lot will be cleared if possible to do so. It has been his intention to have the Rexroad steam shovel excavate the basement, but Mr. Rexroad has a contract for an elevator in another town and cannot wait for the razing of the building.
MEADE GLOBE NEWS - May 17, 1928
Now that spring is here, and summer just around the corner, do you realize the improvement which is going on in Meade on the spot where the old National hotel stood?
Following the razing of that building, the excavating has begun on the new hotel, which will be absolutely modern and fire-proof to the minutest detail. The selection of this site is recognized for its strategical point, it being in the very heart of our thriving little metropolis.
The old hostelry brings pleasant memories to the old timers of the days when Judge Lynch ruled with an iron hand, a shooting-iron hand. When men were men--the survival of the fittest; those old cow days.
Meade's need for a large hotel to help accommodate the every increasing tourist trade, has been the topic of conversation for several months, but nothing definite was established until April 2, when a group of Meade's leading business men and substantial farmers met and completed the financial program, and work was ordered started at once.
It being a large proposition, and to enable the entire community to share in its building, articles of incorporation were taken out, and a small block of shares offered; with the following prominent men of affairs elected to offices in the new company. C.C. Wilson, attorney, with offices in the Meade State Bank, was elected president. The vice presidency was placed in the hands of Roy Twist, owner of the Roy Twist Oil Company, and from the success of is oil company, it is to be assured that he will fill the office with highest honors. The remaining offices, that of secretary and treasurer, consolidated into one, will be filled by a man with all the necessary qualification, E.E. Innis, cashier of the Meade State Bank. Assisting them as directors, will be L.T. Gum, retired farmer and A.R. Wilson, cashier of the First National Bank, both of whom are well known for their business sagacity.
Present estimates on the completed building, with appropriate furnishings to meet the demand for a hotel of this class will cost about $100,000. It will require six months before it will be ready for occupancy, and after thorough investigation the plans were perfected for a building 50x140, main floor with proper ventilation and access to the alley; three stories and fifty-eight guest rooms with thirteen private baths on each floor, but each remaining room will have lavatories with hot and cold running water.
A large room 32x50, to be used as a salesman's sample room or for merchandise, will occupy a corner on the first floor. Directly in the rear of this spacious room will be located the barber shop and beauty parlor. Here tourists will find everything for his comfort and pleasure and the plans for equipment will be the very best money can buy.
The lobby will face the rising sun, with the lounge room, fireplace and business office, will occupy a site 40x40. There will also be an attractive coffee shop and dining room with kitchen annexed to take up an additional 34x42 of space. The kitchen, which will be properly ventilated and refrigerated will be arranged with connections to serve the main dining room and coffee shop as well as the large basement to be fitted up for rental purposes to public meetings. Several commercial and social organizations already anticipate using this room as soon as completed.
The private business office will occupy a space of 20x28 on the northwest corner of the main floor. The modern equipment will fill its share toward keeping the laundry immaculately clean. A private telephone board will keep the guest incomplete communication with the outside world through the local exchange, and no longer will be bobbed hair tourist worry because she has no place to curl her locks, for, aside from the beauty parlor, each room will be so constructed as to have plugs for electrical appliances.
L.F. Riggs, who recently completed the courthouse, of which Meade county has every reason to be justly proud, and Fred Hooper, of Topeka, Kansas, the architect, worked several weeks in conjunction with the directors to build the structure at a minimum cost.
An electric automatic elevator with the latest safety devices will be installed as soon as the skeleton is up. This modern type elevator eliminates the employing of pilots and offers builders of present day construction work an advantage over the old type and are more simplified in installation.
All haste is being made to get the concrete work under way and the building finished, in order that the tourist trade over the Atlantic and Pacific highway and all north and south highways, may find in Meade a real home, for the travelling public on wheels that will knock at its doors, and the flood of tourists who desire convenience will turn and enter the patio for the weary dust covered traveler.
Completion of this hotel will have a pronounced effect and will cast its golden influence on all residents of the community.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - July 12, 1928
With the basement of Meade's new $100,000 hotel completed, brick work started Tuesday and if the rains will allow the workmen to continue with their work, next week scaffolds will be built for the pouring of the second floor. Mr. Riggs states that he is not having any trouble with material orders. In fact, he is holding some of them back. He is not losing a moment with his faithful crew of workmen who are up at it all the time and goes on with a unison that bespeaks a splendid organization and denotes that only good men will be countenanced.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - September 6, 1928
The third floor of Meade's new $100,000 hotel was poured last Friday and this week brick work as well as the forms for the roof are being pushed along. Mr. Riggs expects to pour the roof in about ten days. Some of the false work in the basement and first floor were taken out this week. Also the silt that has collected in the basement from the excessive rains, is being cleaned out and the workmen will soon be ready to put in concrete floors.
The Barns Bros. building next to the hotel is about ready for plastering and in a short time the room will be ready for occupancy.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - November 22, 1928
Get your thinking cap on and suggest a name to the Meade Hotel Company for the new hotel which will be opened about the first of January. The company has decided to give a prize of $15 in cash to the person who suggests a name that is chosen by the directors. Submit your names to E.E. Innis by Friday, November 30th.
The directors have about completed the purchase of all furnishings and they will begin arriving in a short time. Contractor Riggs states that he expects to have the building completed and turned over to the company by Christmas time. Arrangements are being made for a grand opening with an appropriate program.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - December 6, 1928
The Meade Hotel Company has decided Mrs. Harry Coon the winner in the new name contest and selected "Lakeway" one of the names submitted by Mrs. Coon.
More than 500 names were submitted to the company and the unanimous decision was for "Lakeway." The name links up the Nos. 54 and 12 to the Meade County State Park and is a very appropriate name.
The Lakeway is rapidly nearing completion. The plasterers will finish this week and the carpenters are at work on the third floor. It is thought everything will be ready for the furnishings by the first of the year.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - February 7, 1929
Work of putting down carpets in the new hotel has started. The second and third floors are practically completed with the exception of the stairs and they are being put in this week. The "squirrel cage" on the outside of the building was taken down this week and the inside elevator cage will be installed in a few days.
Miss Alice Adams will have charge of the coffee room. The hotel company will furnish the room with tables, counters, and kitchen range, and Miss Adams will furnish the dishes, silverware and articles that must be checked.
The directors have to definitely decided on the tenant for the south room. Brother Buis will have one of the rear rooms for his real estate and insurance office.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - February 21, 1929
Hotel Lakeway will be thrown open to the public, Tuesday night, February 26. The Meade Hotel Company officers announce there will be no program other than that everyone is cordially invited to inspect the building and listen to the orchestra.
Officers of the company will be present to show people over the building. Orchestra will also furnish music for a dance to which everyone is cordially invited.
Miss Alice Adams who has charge of the Lakeway Shop, will serve a turkey dinner from 6 to 8:30 p.m. After that time Miss Adams and the hotel company will serve coffee and doughnuts to those who wish for them.
Invitations have been issued to many wholesale firms to have their representatives present, besides many invitations have gone to out of town people and hotels announcing the opening. The people of Meade county are especially invited.
Not all the furniture is placed, but everything will be in spic and span shape by Tuesday night. Come and see for yourself what the perseverance and vision of community builders have given to this part of the state.
MEADE GLOBE-NEWS - February 28, 1929
Nearly 2000 People Visited the Hotel Tuesday Evening and had an Enjoyable Time
They came; they saw; but Meade conquered. Estimated at between 1,500 and 2,000 visitors, transported here in 600 automobiles, by actual count, attended the opening of the Lakeway Hotel Tuesday night. Three states, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, were represented among the gathering. They were a happy, jolly and pleasant bunch of enthusiastic Southwesterners who are noted for their cosmopolitan ways and appreciation of anything big and good for their Great Southwest.
Although the hotel was not quite ready for occupancy Tuesday morning and the opening was scheduled for six o'clock in the evening, everyone connected with the new establishment functioned and when the gong sounded everything was in its place.
Even H.H. Hoon who has the lease on the new barber shop came running with his razors and was ready to shave the first guest, although he did not intend to open his shop until Wednesday.
The fifty-two rooms, furnished in the latest style with Simmons steel furniture, that the new departure in furnishings which is attracting the attention of the traveling public, were all spoken for before the hour of opening, by out of town guests and the career of the Southwest's greatest and newest hotel was started off with an impetus that indicated future prosperity.
S.D. Adams, veteran hotel man, who operated the old National hotel, Meade's first hotel, was in his place behind the desk. Mrs. Adams, whose culinary perfections are known by every traveler who ever visited Meade and had the opportunity of eating any of her delicious cooking, was in her place of supervision the ultra-modern kitchen. She remarked that it was a far cry from the kitchen of the old National to the modern equipped kitchen provided in the Lakeway.
The large spacious lobby with its beautiful upholstered easy chairs and conveniences were filled to overflowing. In fact, it was remarked by one visitor that the crowd was so large a person couldn't fall down--yet order reigned supreme, and indicative of the future policy in the operation of this hotel was the absence of boisterous or ribald activity. People were genuinely happy.
Skeptics Came and Believed
Those skeptics--and there are a few in every town--who were so sure it couldn't be done stood back with awe as they witnessed the interested spectators and visitors from three states. It showed that the Southwest wanted this hotel and wanted to show the far-sighted, aggressive business men of Meade, who were responsible for this hotel that they appreciated their efforts and were happy with them.
Liberal Well Represented
Lee" Larabee and A.F. Gorman of Liberal headed a delegation estimated at more than one hundred visitors who came with smiles on their faces fairly radiating their happiness for Meade. Formality was conspicuous by its absence and representatives from rival cities mingled with each other on a common ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Rogers, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Guymon, drove all the way to Meade to be present at this epoch making event. Mr. Rogers was manager in Meade for the Home Lumber company some twenty-six years ago. He rejoiced to see the city's progress and came all the way here to show his interest.
Mrs. and Mrs. C.F. Stowell and Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver were in attendance from Garden City, as were many others from the sister city on the northwest. Mr. Stowell is the editor of that live-wide-awake magazine, fighting for the Southwest's advancement, Opportunity.
District Judge Karl Miller and his reporter, J.A. Griswold, accompanied by Rev. Glickler and several other Dodge City people gave that city a good representation.
Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Raymond of Greensburg were here. Mr. Raymond is the manager of the Southwestern Telephone company and he showed the interest of his company in the future success of the hotel by personally inspecting the inter-communicating telephone exchange in the building and placing one of his best operators on the switchboard to see that it was started off properly and the future operators instructed in its uses. Hundred of people came to Meade from Dalhart; Hutchinson, Fowler, Greensburg, Liberal, Ulysses, Plains, Guymon and other cities in this region. In fact every town in the Great Southwest was represented.
Makes Interesting Picture
It was interesting to watch the throng. Old pioneers, who have been rooted in Meade county soil since those early days when Kansas idealisms were still in the making and who never expected to see such an ultra-modern hostelry as the Lakeway, drove in and visited the hotel. Showing not the least embarrassment they traveled thru its lobby, its corridors and saw and went away satisfied. They would never have visited any such a modern place anywhere else in the world but in Meade, Kansas. Meade is their town and likewise the Lakeway is their hotel. They felt it and showed it.
Music by Local Orchestra
The Lakeway orchestra under the leadership of Fred Holderman, Jr., an organization composed of energetic, loyal and patriot musicians donated their services to the new enterprise until midnight, rendering excellent music which lent exhilaration to the memorable event.
But what of those energetic Meade business men-those far-vision spirits what do things in a community? Yes--they were there. They stood back and viewed with no mean degree of satisfaction their accomplishments. It had been done, and in the face of some small opposition on the part of a few who could not see the practical side of advancement.
In the building of this hotel, which will ever stand as a monument to their endeavors, these men of Meade were loyal to their town. Every piece of material that could be bought from or through a Meade merchant was handled in that way. Every workman, so far as it was possible to do, was a Meade man. Meade or Meade county money paid the bill. That is why Meade conquered. It was Meade's own child. It was born among the surroundings and environments of progress, determination and vision.
It will be a success, not alone because of its modern attractive appearance and convenience, but because it was accomplished through the elements of cooperation and unity and will be run by Mr. Adams, one of the county's leading citizens in a way that will reflect credit on the community.
Coffee Shop Comes in for Share
To Miss Alice Adams goes the credit of having the coffee shop in condition to receive guests. The steam table was not installed until as late as six o'clock. The decorations were not in place but it was necessary that this part of the gala event be in keeping with its surrounding hence, when the guests began to get hungry, Miss Adams was ready for them with the tables neatly and attractively decorated with cut flowers and a delicious turkey dinner was served to all the guests who could manage to get a place. It was a case of first come-first served. Many did not, of course, get to enjoy the delicious repast but there was no evidence of ill feeling. It was, indeed, a happy go-lucky throng.
Today the Lakeway has settled down to the even tenor of its ways. True there is still a thrill of pride remaining in the minds of those Meade citizens who through their loyalty for the town-glance towards the Lakeway, and with an expression of pride and contentment remark to themselves; "It has been done."
Theo Williams who had a shoe shine stand in the lobby of the Lakeway for many years.
A Stock Certificate for the Meade Hotel Company issued to B.W. DeWitt on April 25, 1928. It is signed by E.E. Innus, Secretary
and C.C. Wilson, President, and is for eight shares at $100 per share. (scan courtesy of Larry Lemaster)
200 E.Carthage, Meade, KS
Dalton Gang Hideout:
502 S Pearlette St, Meade, KS